August 09, 2003

Words of Charles A. LeMaistre, M.D., President, at the 1978 Memorial Award

The Jeffrey A. Gottlieb Memorial Award was established to perpetuate the memory of an outstanding man. Not only was Jeffrey Gottlieb a renowned and highly respected leader in the field of cancer chemotherapy, the caliber of his personality brought him the admiration and esteem of all who knew him.

His contributions to cancer chemotherapy were unmatched in the field. He quickly established his reputation as a leader in the Department of Developmental Therapeutics upon his arrival at M.D. Anderson in 1970. His expertise brought him the position of Administrative Chief of the Chemotherapy Service; his advice and counsel were sought by virtually every member of his department.

His untimely death in 1975 was a great loss. To honor his memory and the work he so diligently conducted, Dr. Gottlieb's friends and colleagues established an award which would recognize scientists for their contributions to cancer therapeutic research.

Dr. Frank M. Schabel was an admirer to Dr. Gottlieb; the two men consulted on a number of cases during the course of their careers. His selction as the third recipient of the Jeffrey A. Gottlieb Memorial Award is a fitting tribute to their professional association.

Jeffrey Gottlieb touched the lives of all who knew him. His outstanding career in cancer therapeutic rsearch stands as a testimonial to his dedication. He will long be remembered by his colleagues, students, friends and family.

1978 Memorial Award Committee Members

Emil J. Freireich, M.D., Chairman
John R. Bush
E.R. Gilley
Douglas E. Johnson, M.D.
Melvin L. Samuels, M.D.
Charles K. Tashima, M.D.
Robert C. Hickey, M.D., ex officio

Words of R. Lee Clark, M.D., President, at 1976 Award Ceremony

After a long and courageous battle with the disease he worked so zealously to conquer, Jeffrey A. Gottlieb, an eminent physician and scientist in the field of cancer chemotherapy, died on July1, 1975, at the age of 35.

Widespread admiration and respect for Dr. Gottlieb has been the impetus for the establishment of the Jeffrey A. Gottlieb Memorial Award. The award will recognize physicians for their contributions to cancer research while perpetuating the memory of a man who pioneered several advances in combination chemotherapy for cancer.

The spirit of Jeffrey A. Gottlieb will live in the hearts of all his colleagues, students, friends and family.

Words of Robert C. Hickey, M.D., Director, at 1976 Award Ceremony

It is fitting that the first annual Jeffrey A. Gottlieb Memorial Award should be presented to Dr. Vincent T. DeVita, Jr. His contributions to the field of chemotherapy have made a profound impact on cancer care throughout the world.

Nowhere could we have found a more qualified clinician to receive this honor. A prestigious tradition of excellence has been established for the Gottlieb Memorial Award with Dr. DeVita as its first recipient.

Words of Emil J. Freireich, M.D., Head, Developmental Therapeutics, at 1976 Award Ceremony

Only rarely does an individual have such a profound affect on his colleagues that he is immediately recognized as outstanding. Dr. Gottlieb was such a person. From his arrival at M.D. Anderson, to his untimely death five years later, Dr. Gottlieb always surfaced as a leader, an intellectual giant and a person of great character.

In addition to his impact on his intellectual and administrative superiors and those that he supervised, Dr. Gottlieb inspired our department. He was a leader in competing for and receiving support for our Phase I and Phase II clincal chemotherapy research programs through the National Cancer Institute. He quickly rose to Administrative Chief of the Chemotherapy Service; virtually every member of our department turned to him for advice on patient care and research decisions.

On a larger scale, he had a dramatic impact on our institution. He transformed our method of handling investigational drugs; he was a significant contributor to our Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee and he had a strong impact on our educational programs.

Internationally, he brought a sense of creditability and accomplishment to the field of cancer chemotherapy which was unmatched. Through his activities in the Southwest Oncology Group and the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Gottlieb stretched the horizons of knowledge about cancer therapy.

These scientific ahievements, however, took second place to Jeff's strong commitment to his work and to the people that he had contact with each day. He was a man of great dignity, enormous pride and, yet, great personal warmth. He was an individual everyone was enriched by knowing.

Jeffrey A. Gottlieb Memorial Award 1976

"Write your name in kindness, love, and mercy on the hearts of thousands you come in contact with year by year, and you will never be forgotten. Your name and your good deeds will shine as the stars of heaven." - Thomas Chalmers

Dr. Jeffrey A. Gottlieb was an affectionate and sympathetic man. His patients, friends and family were touched by his tenderness. His students and colleagues were inspired by his zest for scientific achievement.

Dr. Gottlieb was an international leader in the field of chemotherapy. After joining M.D. Anderson in 1970, he developd the clinical use of two important anti-tumor drugs, adriamycin and bleomycin. By incorporating these drugs with conventional drugs, Dr. Gottlieb devised combination chemotherapy regimens that provide effective treatment, especially for bone and soft tissue sarcomas. These treatments, used throughout the world, also are prescribed for cancers of the breast, head and neck, thyroid, malignant melanomas and other malignancies.

Dr. Gottlieb determined adriamycin's toxic effects on the heart and designed a scheme of therapy which could prevent this toxicity. His studies of other chemotherapeutic agents significantly contributed to the world's knowledge about this specialty while improving the efficiency of drug trials.

In a period of five years, Dr. Gottlieb authored or co-authored 77 publications; he was working on 15 others at his death. He prepared 49 abstracts for medical societies throughout the world and delivered 34 papers to scientific gatherings.

While exerting these prodigioius clinical research efforts, Dr. Gottlieb was fighting his own battle against systemic cancer. His indomitable spirit to the last hour of his life was an inspiration to his colleagues.

Dr. Gottlieb was Chief of Chemotherapy Service, Department of Development Therapeutics, and Associate Professor of Medicine at M.D. Anderson. He also served as the Executive Secretary for the Southwest Oncology Group, as a member of advisorycommittees for the National Large Bowel Cancer Project, the National Mycosis Fungoides Cooperative Study Group and many other associations and scientific societies. He was listed in Who's Who in Texas and Who's Who in the Southwest.

His loving wife, Margery [my mother], and two children, Elizabeth Anne [my sister] and Keith Andrew [myself], have said that "this award involves the entire family because M.D. Anderson means so much to us, as it did to Dr. Gottlieb [my father]."

The Program:
The First Annual Jeffrey A. Gottlieb Memorial Award
M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute
November 10, 1976
5:15 PM.

Welcome.............R. Lee Clark, M.D.
Creation of the Jeffrey A. Gottlieb Memorial Fund.......Emil J. Freireich, M.D.
Introduction of the Jeffrey A. Gottlieb Memorial Award Recipient........Robert C. Hickey, M.D.
Lecture "The Evolution of Cancer Treatment: A Defense of Fundamental Clinical (Therapeutic) Research"........Vince T. DeVita, Jr., M.D.

The First Winner of the Award was Vincent T. DeVita, Jr., M.D.