December 08, 2011

Baltimore Jewish Times - Dec 1968

Dr. Jeffrey Gottlieb, Baltimore doctor, in role of Russian physician, Chebutykin, will appear in Chekhov's "The Three Sisters" at Mount Saint Agnes College, Mount Washington, Dec. 5, 6, 12, and 13. Since his arrival in Baltimore in 1968, Dr. Gottlieb has given several recitals for patients at U.S. Public Health Service Hospital, recorded with Baltimore Chorale Arts Society of which he is a member, and joined Baltimore Symphony Chorus. Last year he was cast as Ezra Mannon in Mount Saint Agnes College production of "Mourning Becomes Electra."

November 23, 2011

Harvard Medical School - Essay - Sep 19, 1961

I like to compare myself occasionally to an illustrated calendar wherein each month of the year is represented by a correlating scene. Like these variations in theme, my personality consists of a wide variety of characteristics. To elucidate, frequently I enjoy the companionship of people (fortunately, I have been able to make friends readily, having the capacity, it seems, of putting people at ease); on other occasions, I appreciate solitude, with no around except the world of nature. I have an energetic sense of organization, a real drive to plunge into work, and a perseverance to see things through to a gratifying conclusion. My desire to keep active leads me to many new projects as the old ones are completed, but varied as my interests are, I have yet maintained a few steady, favorite ones, such as natural science and scouting.

My numerous activities have afforded me a wide range of experiences and opportunities to meet and to understand many types of people. In scouting and in high school I became acquainted with boys from different backgrounds, and found I could adapt readily to their world. They, in turn, accepted me and were willing to trust and to confide in me. (This is a kind of trust I have always valued.) This summer, while traveling through Europe as a member of the Smith-Amherst Chamber Singers, I had the good fortune of meeting people from many nations, and from them I was able to gain insight into their way of life to attain a new perspective of the different worlds in which we live.

As a senior at Amherst, I look forward to writing my thesis in a branch of bio-chemistry, and I feel that my enthusiasm and interest in this field will make my project a rewarding one. I shall also be engaged in other activities - - advising freshmen as their dorm proctor, and working with the Glee Cub as its manager. However, these interests will not affect the quality of my thesis, for it is my nature to produce best results when busiest and under pressure.

In analyzing the many facets of my personality, I do recognize that occasionally I am reluctant to seek advice, preferring to work things out my own way. I suspect that this might be termed a liability.

To outline my purpose in pursuing a medical education, emphasis must be made on my keen interest in science throughout all my high school and college years. While my pursuits include music, drama, and sports, my enthusiasm for the world of science is by far the greatest. This has led me to serve in the capacity of laboratory instructor at college for the past two years and to elect to write a thesis on bio-chemistry. I am confident I would be happiest in the field of medicine as a career, and my numerous relatives and friends who are physicians have encouraged me in this decision. While I am concerned with the theoretical aspects of science, I am also interested in the practical. I, therefore, hope to become a practicing physician, ultimately specializing in a particular branch of medicine.


Lodge Chief, Vigil Member - Order of the Arrow, BSA
Dormitory Proctor; Freshman Lacrosse team
Gilbert and 2nd Kellogg Speaking Prizes
Manager of Glee Club, Monitor of Choir
Member of Smith-Amherst Chamber Singers
Amherst College Masquers - lead parts
Fraternity V. Pres & Rushing Chairman
Member - Student Comm. to the Faculty

Program Director (three years) and Assistant Camp Director - Camp Waubeeka, B.S.A
Laboratory Instructorship in Advanced Sophomore Chemistry, Quantitative Analysis and Virology - Amherst College
Member and Monitor of Amherst College Chapel Choir
Laboratory Assistantship in Chemistry 25, Chemistry 26 & Biology 71

A.B. Davis Graduation - 1958

Photo Caption:

Commencement speakers at the 81st graduation of Davis High School last night pose with Dr. Jordan L. Larson, superintendent of schools, and Dr. Howard G. Spalding, principal, before the ceremonies at Wood Auditorium. Jeffrey Gottlieb, left, highest ranking student in the class of 430, spoke on "Education for the Scientific Age - the Sciences." At right, Chichi Davis chose as her topic, "Education for the Scientific Age - The Humanities." - Schnoor Studio Photo.


Balance in Education
Davis Graduation Theme

Additional emphasis must be laid on the teaching of the sciences and the humanities, two student speakers of the 81st commencement exercises of Davis High School said last night.

The graduation, at which 430 seniors were awarded diplomas, took place in Wood Auditorium.

In a speech entitled "Education for the Scientific Age - The Sciences," Jeffrey Gottlieb, highest ranking student in the class, declared: "Education - particularly science education - in this country must be improved to meet the challenges of the missile age lest we fall behind in the technological race."

Chi chi Davis, the second speaker, warned that the humanities must hold equal rank with the sciences lest we have an "unbalanced society." Her speech was entitled "Education for the Scientific Age - The Humanities."

Dr. Howard G. Spalding, principal, awarded prizes and scholarships. He presented the class to Dr. Jordan L. Larson, superintendent of school, who in turn presented it to the president of the Board of Education, Sanford Solender.

Trustees Confer Diplomas
Mr. Solender and Carl C. Torisi, vice president of the board, conferred the diplomas.

Donald W. Hastings, class president, delivered the salutatory address.

The invocation was given by the Rev. Wilfried C.H. Tappert, minister of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, The Rev. John J. Coffey, pastor of St. Ursula's Church pronounced the benediction.

In his speech, Gottlieb said educators seemed agreed that the present U.S. educational system must be reappraised with one aim in view, "the stressing of science education."

In line with this, he offered a number of recommendations.

The youth recommended that the "productivity" of the American educational system be increased. Ways, he said, should be found "to give more and better education to more students without a direct corresponding increase in the size of our teaching force and school budgets."

Asks Use of TV

He suggested expanded use of educational television to supplement present classroom instruction. Television might take the most extensive facilities and the best teachers available to students in even the oldest and smallest of schools, he said.

He also recommended that the trend by which "soft courses" are replacing "solid basic courses such as mathematics and science" be stopped. Courses such as "life adjustment" are "fine - except when they detract from the more necessary fundamental subjects," he said.

Mr. Gottlieb further suggested that the prestige of the best mathematics and science students be increased to encourage more persons to enter these fields. "We must make them the social equals of the football and basketball stars," he said. And he praised the science fair held recently in White Plains, and sponsored jointly by the Westchester Country Publishers and New York University, as a step in this direction.

Educational standards must also be raised, he said, and students motivated toward mathematics and science in elementary school.

Educators Guide Future.

"There is still much hard work to be done as we encounter the many challenges of the missile age," he concluded. "And much of the responsibility for our future success or failure rests with our educators. The destiny of the United States is largely in their hands - to shatter or to shape."

In her speech, Miss Davis asserted, "We owe it to ourselves to raise scientific education to its zenith. We realize its importance but we must also realize that the humanities cannot be overlooked. In emphasizing the important of subjects as literature, art, music, language and history, she added:

"Students and educators alike have heard the outcry of scientists and rushed blindly ahead, taking any math or science courses open to them. If this one-sided education continues we will produce an over-specialized generation. The people will have less awareness of beauty and the finer things in life. We shall have a primarily materialistic society. Now we want a society in which the artists, musicians, authors and poets play an insignificant role? And yet if we continue our present plan we face the possibility.

'Rather than place the emphasis solely on scientific education, we must place more emphasis on education in general."

Education Begins at Home

Miss Davis said that a proper education in the humanities should begin in the home. A background in humanities will add to the personality and enjoyment of both those who end their education in high school and those who go on to college, she said.

"Now we have finally been awakened to the need for the sciences," she concluded, we must remain awake to the necessity for the humanities. We must avoid an unbalanced society. We must have one in which the sciences and the humanities hold equal and respected positions."

Both speakers were chosen earlier by the faculty in a competition among high ranking seniors.

A trombone solo, the "Largo" from Handel's Xerxes" was played by Perry Martin. The high school orchestra played the processional, the "Coronation March" by Meyerbeer, and the recessional, the "Rakocsy March" by Berlioz.

November 12, 2011

November 3, 1953 - Traphagen School

This is a letter my father wrote to his father (age 13).

Dear Pop,

As I have already told you today is visiting day. You will see me doing just what I do every day at school.

I have been telling my marks in all my subjects when I get them. I hope you see I am doing rather well. I like science the best of all my subjects. Here we learn many interesting facts about things we knew little about before. Even though I consider math my best subject I get bored often. I guess it is because it is mostly review work. This year in social studies I am getting very good marks which surprisingly enough was my worst subject last year. I hope you can see by this letter how I am doing in English.

We in the eighth grade are now the big cheeses of the school. No more getting bossed around or the like. It's quite a job to get used to the name Traphagen but we are doing it.

Our class has a great deal of class spirit. In the recent Red Cross Drive, our class was the first eighth grade with 100% membership. We collected over thirteen dollars and had an average of almost fifty cents a person. Our class is also trying to cooperate with its officers and is doing quite well.

When you come this afternoon you will see our class in action. I hope you will enjoy yourself even if it does remind you of days gone by.

Your son,

October 31, 2011

January 26, 1962 - Mark Lazerwith

Dear Jeffrey,

Congratuatlions! Boy, the ranks of us bachelors are sure getting thin. I'm really looking forward to meeting Margery (Midge for short). Before I go any further, let me say I accept your offer to be your best man with the greatest of enthusiasm. You know I've been an usher twice (2 Lutheran weddings), but this is my first time as best man. I'll try to do my best, considering the lack of prior experience.

It's great to hear you're going to Harvard Medical School. There's nothing like picking the best. I visited Harvard two summers ago and I still remember the student sitting against an old oak tree in the Harvard yard, slowing strumming a guitar. I left as if I had stepped back 300 years to colonial America - that really is some campus.

I'm first in between semesters now - only one more to go and then the bar if all goes well. I've just about had my fill of formal education for the time being and I won't be too sorry about getting out in the real world. For social life, I'm still playing the field as they say, going through numbers like mad.

Jeff, again, congratulations. Tell Midge that a 1st cousin says hello and looking forward to meeting her.

Sincerely, Mark

(Note Mark Lazerwith died May 25, 2007, he would not marry until 1968).

Houston Symphony Chorale - 1971 -1972

Jeff was part of the Houston Symphony Chorale 1971 - 1972 season:

August 10, 1971 - May 9, 1972

Signed J.A. Gottlieb, 12633 Memorial Dr. Apt 115, Houston, TX 77024

Beethoven: Mass in C
Christmas Concert
Prokofiev: Alexander Nevsky
Haydn: The Creation

Regular rehearsals, Tuesdays, 7:45 - 10:00 p.m, from August 10 through May 9, except December 21 and 28. Three Sunday afternoon rehearsals, one in September 19, others to be announced.

February 18, 1969 - Department of Health, Educaiton, and Welfare

Dr. Jeffrey A. Gottlieb
Tumor Service
U.S. Public Health Service Hospital
Baltimore, Maryland 21211

Dear Dr. Gottlieb:

On behalf of our patients and staff, I would like to express our sincere appreciation for your recent participation in the musical program for our patients. The program was enjoyed thoroughly by everyone in attendance; - I am sure it added a new dimension to patient-doctor dialogue in our hospital.

We do thank you for taking time from your very busy schedule to make this significant contribution to our patients.


Edward J. Hinman, MD

August 29, 1966 - Department of Health, Education, and Welfare

Jeffrey Arnold Gottlieb, M.D. (Intern)
Barnes Hospital
600 South Kingshighway Boulevard
St. Louis, Missouri 63110

Dear Doctor:

It is my privilege to inform you that your appointment as a commissioned officer of the Public Health Service and assignment to the Commissioned Officer Residency Deferment (CORD) Program, has been approved as indicated below:

Grade and category: Assistant Surgeon
Corps: Reserve
Serial Number: 27000
Effective Date: August 29, 1966

Once the enclosed forms, properly executed, have been received by the Office of Personnel, the Director, National Selective Service System, will be requested to place you in a deferred classification for a one-year period beginning July 1, 1967.

I congratulate you on your selection for the CORD Program and wish you a successful training experience.

Sincerely yours,

Kenneth T. Strauch, D.D.S.
Chief, Career Programming Branch
Division of Career Development
Office of Personnel

Jan 19, 1962 - Alfred S. Schwartz, M.D.

Dear Bunny,

Just heard from Andy about the various pieces of good news about Jeff and hasten to send you my congratulations. So -- our very best on his engagement and forthcoming marriage. And of course Harvard Medical School is no mean achievement -- in our opinion it's the very best of the medical schools (can't be chauvanistic about Hopkins or Washington U.). It does seem as if your son has a fine start and I am sure you are very proud of him. We also saw the college bowl program and were cheering your lad on even though Amherst was less than magnificant at that time.

Andy is very happy with Amherst as I knew he would be. Of course I never did push Amherst for my boys but I must say I am pleased that I do have one son going there. Actually Harvard happens to be just right for Steve who is doing intensive work in chemistry. Where my next son will go I don't know - - perhaps they have a graduate school in comic books and beat music somewhere - - he'll get in there for sure.

So again -- our heaviest congratulations and best wishes. One of these days we'll see each other - - perhaps at Amherst in the spring. Best to your wife.

As ever, Al.

(Note Alfred Schwartz was a 1st cousin to Bernard Gottlieb, Jeffrey's father)

October 30, 2011

July 23, 1975

We were so shocked when we received the news from Steve of your loss. We were totally unaware of Jeff's illness and the degree of pressure to which you both must have been subjected these past six years. I wish there was something we could have done to ease your burden during this time. On reflecting back, we now can appreciate and understand many of the decisions you had to make. How disappointed we were that you didn't come back to Boston either for Jeff's Pediatric Hematology residency or for the position at Harvard under Dr. Frei. Jeff must have felt that he could do more for humanity by his chemotherapy research there and you must have questioned uprooting your family.

How fortunate we were to have known Jeff and spent time with you in Watertown. Jeff was truly a remarkable person - not only was he brilliant but he was so in tune to reality that he could communicate on any subject with a wide variety of people. That's an unique quality.

Please keep in touch and whenever you are back this way we'd love to have you stay with us. We have plenty of room for all you and we'd love to have the children get together. It would be fun to have the girls see their "first friend" and the boys meet. If there is anything we can do for you, pleast let us know.

Walter and Jane

Mrs. Edward J. Kovacs (Hilda) - July 9, 1975

It is always difficult to put into words the feeling that one has on the loss of a dear one.

Jeffrey will always be remembered by many. What a gentle man - - one who was considerate to everyone - - one who couldn't lay and take it easy even though he was aware of his condition. Yes, a wonderfully motivated and great guy.

Alan, Caryn and I join with you in your sorrow. We also join the many, many others who are proud to have known Jeffrey during his lifetime. He certainly helped make the world a better place in which to live.

With warmest and sympathetic regards to you, your children and parents from Alan, Caryn, and myself.



(Post note, Hilda Rothman Kovacs passed away on October 9, 2004)

October 29, 2011

David G. Nathan, MD - July 3, 1975

What can I possibly say to you but to tell you how much I admired and valued your husband. I felt I played a role in his development and I grew prouder of him every year.

I wanted him here so much and was only convinced to stop my pressure by the view expressed by many that important benefits such as insurance, etc. might be lost in the move. So I stopped my attempts and I suppose my advisors were right. But I so wanted him to return here in Pediatrics to perform just as I knew he could.

Midge it is so terrible to lose such a fine person. I hope you can find some solace in the realization that he was loved and admired by his colleagues and his teachers. The textbook chapter will be my fond memory of him. I'm so glad he saw it.

Sincerely yours,
David G. Nathan, MD
Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medial School, Children's Hospital Medical Center

Peter N. Rosenthal - November 18, 1975

I've tried for so long to compose a letter in my head, always without success, so finally I can put it off no longer. When I initially heard about Jeff from Ted Pincus it was very much a shock. Here we had lost touch over the past 7 or 8 years, yet still I had very strong and good memories of evenings together in Boston and Cambridge. I suspect it is almost superfluous to tell you how badly I feel at having lost Jeff. As you probably knew we were good friends at Amherst and we had a number of common interests. He was always a stimulating, creative and delightful person to spend time with, thus I'm particularly saddened to learn of his death.

I know these past few years must have incredibly difficult for you and I admire your fortitude in having been able to fulfill the multitude of roles which Jeff's illness must have cast you into.

So I begin to wonder why write? What can I possibly accomplish? I suppose it boils down to the fact that I wanted you to know that Beth and I are thinking about you and wish you to know that some small part of your sense of loss is also shared by others who knew and respected Jeff.

I hope sometime you can pay a visit to use here in Palo Alto, we could very much like to able to get together.


Dean. J. Heitler - November 25, 1975

I was shocked and saddened to learn of your recent loss, although it has been years since I've seen you and you may not even remember me, I always considered myself a friend of Jeff at Amherst. I was fortunate to have been his classmate and to share so many good times with him.

He was always sympathetic to those like me, less gifted than he. I remember his friendly encouragement in organic chemistry class and the ease with which he learned and the glee club music. But most of all I remember how personable he always was and how much he always added to our times together.

I am now living in New York City with my wife Sherry and three year old daughter Jill, and we'd love to see you the next time you come to New York. Sherry is in her final year of Law School and soon she'll be off on her new career. As for me, I doing advertising for Nabisco and JB Williams.

You'll be pleased to know that my family has been extremely active in fund raising for Cancer Research. My father is a trustee of the Eleanor Rooosevelt Foundation and has helped raise funds for the construction of there work. We all pray that the dreaded disease will be diagnosed and cured. I know Jeff did his part. We will all miss Jeff.

Please give us a call when you come to New York.

Sincerely yours,

October 28, 2011

Walter Kasell - Jan 13, 1976

It was with great shock and sorrow that I read Tom Woodhouse's article about Jeff in the Alumni News which only reached me today because of my year's stay abroad. Although I only knew Jeff for a short time, and hadn't seen him in many years, I was deeply saddened by the news of his passing. I still cannot get that lively image out of my memory. I am consoled, as you must be, by the thoughts that so many people who lives he touched will have written and spoken to you of the effected be had on them.

He was my dorm advisor, you probably remember, when I was a freshman at Amherst, 13 years ago, not long before he made up his mind to marry you. I remember the letters he sent off to the other admirers - the unlucky ones - tell them of his decision. I also remember double-dating, and a glorious evening with you and Jeff and Ellen, that would up over bagels and lox in the Village.

He will not quickly be forgotten, I am sure. Not by me, nor by the many people be affected and helped as a doctor, and most of all as a person. Please accept my expression of deepest sympathy, and convey my condolences to your family, & Ellen, and to Jeff's family.

Walter Kasell

Robert. A Buchanan, MD - July 4, 1975

Dear Mrs. Gottlieb,

Although you and I have never met, I want to tell you how sorry I am about the loss of Jeff. He was both an Excellent scientist and a warm-hearted person.

Jeff performed some of the very first human studies with a new anti-viral drug, adenine arabinoside. His work was truly pioneering. Just a few days ago we learned that this drug will cure patients with herpes virus infections of the brain, patients who would otherwise die or be severely damaged. This news come too late to tell Jeff but his work will save countless lives in the decades ahead.

My deepest sympathy to you and your family.

Robert Buchanan
Park Davis & Co.

William Regelson, Professor and Chairman, Division of Medical Oncology - September 10, 1975

Dear Mrs. Gottlieb:

I have known your husband ever since we were both on a site visit at Duke University some three or four years ago. He impressed me then, but what really counts is the leadership role that he has played in the entire field of clinical cancer research, both as relates to chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Jeff was important to all that we are doing and what everyone else is now accepting as standard therapy. He was ahead of the mob, and everything he did attested to his leadership! We recognized his value, and the loss is all the harder to bear because we really need good people in this business.

I write you this because even though I knew he was ill, it shocks me to see that we have lost him. I just had to tell somebody close to him how much I respected his ability and intelligence.

I know it is little comfort for you to get letters from total strangers, but I am upset, and sometimes it is a comfort to know that others are mourning with you.

My love to you and your family.

Sincerely yours,

William Relson, MD
Medical College of Virginia Hospitals
Virgina Commonwealth University
MCV Station, Richmond, Virginia 23298

October 27, 2011

6/28 in Palacio de los Borbones


All great. Madrid is thrilling. This tapestry seems so real that you think you can touch the meat. Saw some beautiful things. The National palace, the monastary of El Escorial, The Valley of the Fallen, a tremendous cross & grotto. We sing on Tu today. Been rehearsing at the American Embassy, feeling fine.

Love, Jeff

7/29/61 in Venezia

We sang here last night (Theater La Fenice in Venezia) great concert. Today in Venice. Gondolas, St. Marks, side streets & all. My bag did not fall in canal, happy to report. Spent today with a delightful girl from Smith studying in Florence. Really a great day, am awaiting start of concert in Dacal Palace. Take Care.

Love, Jeff

Monday Morning - 6/26/61

In 1961, my father sang with the Amherst-Smith Chamber Singers European Tour. He was one of the soloists. Here I post some of the postcards he sent home to his parents.

Over Spain now. Great flight. Feel and felt fine. The food was absolutely fabulous. Breakfast was mixed grill, egg, danish, etc. Stopped at Gandor, near farmland last night where K/M treated us to a drink. Then had champagne back on the plane. I travelled in the 1st class compartment - in the back - very quiet and smooth. The K/M people really treated us nicely. The country side of Spain is below now. It's 11:15 in Spain, but 6:15 for you. Will have to get some sleep I guess.

Love, Jeff

Holiday Greetings from Houston - December 1973

This is a holidays letter sent out about the family.

It's always hard to believe its holiday time down here (although we did have 3 snow storms last year - a record), and it seems impossible that another year has gone by already, but Elizabeth and Keith have definitely out-grown last year's clothes. The kids seems to be thriving in Texas land. Once they hear her Texas drawl, no one will ever believe Elizabeth was born in Boston. She loves her school-its fantastic. They teach 5-year olds Spanish, French (her accent in both is better than ours) art, ballet, and piano. She's the 1st one-front-tooth missing, sugar-plum fairy in the ballet class program's history.

Keith on the other hand refuses to develop a Texas drawl - in fact he refuses to learn to speak at all - at least in any intelligible language. His vocabulary is immense but generally limited to one-syllable grunts. He's a classical terrible two who is really adorable (when he's asleep).

Midge is still working part-time (3 days/week) for a marine engineering firm doing computer programming. She loves the work and especially loves getting out of the house. Other activities include tennis (she says she's ready for Bobby Riggs) and Greek folk-dancing which she's really getting down pretty well.

Jeff is still enjoying his work at M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute. The pace is exciting, and he has his own section now (chemotherapy) which leads to a lot of travel for speaking engagements. He's doing mostly clinical research-this involves a lot of writing and clinical programs testing new cancer drugs. His other time-consumers are bike-riding (early planning for the Energy Crunch) and singing with the Chorale of the Houston Symphony Orchestra which provides a great break and change of pace. Our program next year includes Britten's "War Requiem" with Robert Shaw conducting.

Our most exciting event this year was a 2-week, medical meeting trip in September to Athens, the Greek Isles, Istanbul and Lisbon. Our favorites were the island of Rhodes and the city of Istanbul, especially the Istanbul Hilton. The weather was glorious, and scenes, such as the Acropolis, the Minoan ruins on Crete and the Topkapi palace and harem in Istanbul, were so fantastic we got black and blue from pinching ourselves just to make certain we were actually there.

Our plans are to stay put - Texas may be the last state to run out of oil, and besides, we like it.

Hope your holidays are the happiest!

Midge, Jeff, Elizabeth & Keith Gottlieb

October 26, 2011

Boy Scouts

Jeffrey Gottlieb was both an Eagle Scout and a member of the Order of the Arrow. Here is a timeline.

Scout Troop 12 - Mount Vernon, NY
Cub Scout - Sep 1949
Wolf - March 1950
Webelos - 29 Feb 1951
Second Class Scout - 17 Nov 1952
First Class Scout - 08 Jun 1953
Merit Badge - Nature - 26 Oct 1953
Merit Badge - First Aid - 26 Oct 1953
Merit Badge - Wood Carving - 26 Oct 1953
Merit Badge - Wild Life Management - 26 Oct 1953
Merit Badge - Canoeing - 26 Oct 1953
Merit Badge - Signalling - 26 Oct 1953
Merit Badge - Cooking - 26 Oct 1953
Star Scout - 26 Oct 1953
Merit Badge - Forestry - 25 Oct 1954
Merit Badge - Bugling - 25 Oct 1954
Merit Badge - Camping - 25 Oct 1954
Merit Badge - Swimming - 25 Oct 1954
Merit Badge - Personal Fitness - 25 Oct 1954
Merit Badge - Athletics - 25 Oct 1954
Merit Badge - Citizenship in the Nation - 24 Jan 1955
Merit Badge - Citizenship in Home - 24 Jan 1955
Life Scout - 24 Jan 1955
Apprentice Explorer - 24 Jan 1955
Merit Badge - World Brotherhood - 13 Jun 1955
Merit Badge - Safety - 13 Jun 1955
Merit Badge - Firemanship - 20 Jun 1955
Explorer & Member - Nov 1954 - Dec 1956
Merit Badge - Stamp Collecting - 16 Jan 1956
Merit Badge - Life Saving - 16 Jan 1956
Merit Badge - Public Health - 16 Jan 1956
Merit Badge - Pioneering - 21 Feb 1957
Order of the Arrow (Hanigus Lodge) Member - 1954 - 1959
Assistant Scoutmaster - 1958 and 1959

Playthings - May 1959

Another post for Jeffrey Gottlieb's father, Bernard Lee Gottlieb.

Bernard L. Gottlieb, widely known toy business executive, has joined Toy Guidance Council, Inc., New York City, as a vice-president, according to Mel Freud, president of the Council.

This key appointment, said Mr. Freud, is one of several which are planned in connection with a program of expanded activities for the Council and its new exhibit.

Few people in the industry possess a background in toys as extensive and all-encompassing as Mr. Gottlieb's. For him, the toy business has been a lifelong environment. As the son of I. Gottlieb, a founder and former president of the Schranz & Bieber Company, Inc., he actually was reared within sight and earshot of the products, jargon and ways of the trade.

After earning a BA degree and varsity letters in football, baseball and basketball at Amherst College, he joined the Lionel Corporation as assistant to the sales manager. He continued, however, with post graduate studies at New York University until he received a master's degree in foreign trade.

It was with Schranz & Bieber that he first applied his highly-specialized knowledge of international commerce. There, he established and directed an export sales department. Within a few years, this department was accounting for sales of almost $1 million annually.

When World War II came, Mr. Gottlieb served with the Navy as an instructor in the Weather Service, attached to the Blimp Squadron at Lakehurst, N.J.

After service, he joined Schranz & Bieber as director of sales. He remained with the firm until 1957, when he became general sales manager for the Henry Katz Sales Organization.

Arthur E. Taylor, executive vice-president of Toy Guidance Council, pointed out that Mr. Gottlieb's duties at the Council will bring into action all of his vast knowledge of toys. "He will be exceptionally valuable," said Mr. Taylor, "to all of the toy buyers who will look to the new Toy Guidance Council Exhibit as a key source of vital product information. He knows toys thoroughly. He understands the problems and aims of wholesale and retail distribution. And he has an uncanny talent of judging the potential saleability of new toy products.

Amherst College - Grades

Here are Jeffrey Gottlieb's grades at Amherst:

Fall Semster 1958-1959

English 1 - 78
History 1 - 90
Humanities 1 - 84
Science 1 - 89
French 5 - 93

Spring Semester 1958-1959

English 2 - 80
History 2 - 87
Humanities 2 - 87
Sciences 2 - 86
Economics 18 - 89
French 18 - 87

Fall Semester 1959-1960

American Studies 21 - 86
Chemistry 25 - 89
Public Speaking 21 - 90
French 29 - 90
Music 25 - 90
Physics 22s - 79

Spring Semester 1959-1960

American Studies 22 - 82
Chemistry 26 - 90
Fine Arts 25s - 90
Public Speaking 22 - 93
Science 22 - 86
Reading Course - ATX - 86

Fall Semester 1960-1961

Biology 51 - 89
Chemistry 43 - 90
Dramatic Arts 25 - 92
French 7 - 95
Music 43 - 95

Spring Semester 1960-1961

Biology 44 - 90
Biology 54 - 86
Chemistry 44 - 83
Fine Arts 49s - 91
History 64 - 85

Fall Semester 1961-1962

Biology 71 - 92
Biology 79 - 92
History 73 - 90
Psychology 51 - 96
Reading Course - 94

Spring Semester 1961 - 1962

Biology 80 - 92
History 74 - 90
Independent Reading Course - 90

Semester Average 91
General Average 89

8 Semesters Average - 88.70

Daily Argus - Mount Vernon, NY - Jan 8, 1958

Jeffrey Gottlieb also had an amazing sister, Sybil Gottlieb. Here is an article from her marriage announcement.

Sybil Gottlieb To Be Bride of Medical Student in June

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Gottlieb of 22 Euclide Ave. have announced the engagement of their daughter, Sybil Nedra, to Alfred Joel Nadel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Nadel of New York City.

Miss Gottlieb was graduated from Davis High School, where she was a member of the Na-Epsilon Pi. She is a former president of the Amicitia Chapter of the Sub Deb Club. Graduated from Smith College in 1957 with a B.A. degree she was president of the Smith Group in Spain, where she spent her junior year studying at the International Institute for Girls and at the University of Madrid. She is attending Columbia University's Graduate School for an M.A. degree in Spanish.

Miss Gottlieb is the granddaughter of Mrs. Ira Gottlieb of New York City, known professionally as Frances Sebel, operatic and and concert artist.

Graduated from the Bronx High School of Science, Mr. Nadel received his B.A. degree from Union College, Schenectady, where he was valedictorian of his class, receiving the Horatio G. Warner cup as the oustanding student in liberal arts. He was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and to Sigma Xi, honorary science society. He is second year student at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons.

A June wedding is planned.

Harvard Medical School - December 15, 1961

Dear Mr. Gottleib (sic):

It is my privilege to offer you, on behalf of the Committee on the Admission of Students, a place in the first year class at the Harvard Medical School, beginning on September 15, 1962.

This admission is, of course, contingent upon your successfully completing the current academic year, including the official requirements for admission, and maintaining a standard generally similar in quality to your present credentials. In this connection, you should arrange to have supplementary transcripts forwarded to us as soon as they are available.

We ascribe to all of the "Acceptance Procedures of the Association of American Medical Colleges", of which you have received a copy, but in fairness to other applicants, it would be very helpful if you would let us know as soon as possible whether or not you wish to accept this offer. To reserve a place in the class, a check or money order for $50.00, payable to Harvard University, must be received by this office not later than January 15, 1962, or three weeks from the date of this letter, whichever is later. If you have a valid reason for wishing a longer period to decide upon acceptance or rejection of this offer, and will write us the full circumstances, we will be willing to consider your request for an extension.

In order than any further information or material that you will need prior to registration may reach you promptly, will you please keep us informed of any changes in your address. If you are a veteran, please send the School a copy of your discharge papers, and, if available, a copy of your "Report of Transfer or Discharge". In view of the present step-up in military service requirements, please indicate whether or not you have reserve military status. If you have a commission in any branch of the service other than the Medical Department, you should immediately apply for transfer to the Medical Service Corps.

Sincerely yours,
Perry J. Culver, M.D.
Assistant Dean

Amherst Chapter of Sigma Xi - May 25, 1962

Mr. Jeffrey A. Gottlieb
408 Morrow
Amherst College
Amherst, Massachusetts

Dear Mr. Gottlieb:

It gives me great pleasure to inform you that at the last meeting of the Amherst Chapter of the Society of the Sigma Xi, you were elected to Associate Membership in the Society.

Sigma Xi, the National Honorary Scientific Research Society, has as one of its purposes the recognition of those students, members of the faculty, research associates, and others who have shown noteworthy achievement as original investigators in science or who show definite promise of research ability. Its other functions are: the maintenance of companionship among investigators in various fields of science, the sponsoring of meetings for the discussion of scientific subjects, and the fostering of an interest in science in the college.

The Initiation of new members will take place at the end of the Banquet to be held in the Lord Jeffrey Inn at 6 p.m on Thursday, June 14. The dress will be informal. If your parents would like to come to the Banquet, we hope that you will invite them.

At 8 p.m. Professor George Wald of Harvard University will deliver a public lecture in Johnson Chapel entitled, "The Origin of Death."

The Initiation Fee is $8.00 and covers National and Local Dues and a subscription to the American Scientist for one year. In order to make arrangements for the Banquet and Initiation, I must have the following before Thursday, June 7:

A. an indication in writing that you accept the election and that you will be able to attend the Initiation
B. your permanent mailing address for the American Scientist,
C. The Initiation Fee of $8.00 plus $3.60 for each guest you bring to the Banquet (checks payable to: Amherst Chapter of Sigma Xi).

Please accept my warmest congratulations.

Cordially yours,
Willard Richards, Secretary
Amherst Chapter of Sigma Xi

Daily Argus - Mount Vernon, NY - June 19, 1962

Recent Graduates of Amherst College in Massachusetts with honors are these four Mount Vernon men. Graduating magna cum laude were Jeffrey A. Gottlieb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Gottlieb of 22 Euclid Ave....

Mr. Gottlieb, a biology major, wrote a thesis on "A Study of Microbial Utilization of Methylamine." He was a member of Bond 15, an honorary organization of the 15 seniors with the highest academic average, Phi Beta Kappa, the Masquers, the college dramatic club, and was co-manager of the glee club.

May 13, 1959 - Daily Argus, Mount Vernon, NY

This is a post for Jeff Gottlieb's father, Bernard Gottlieb.

Bernard Gottlieb, named vice president of the Toy Guidance Council, Inc.

Bernard L. Gottlieb, 22 Euclid Ave. has been appointed vice president of the Toy Guidance Council, Inc., it was announced today by Melvin Freud, president.

Mr. Gottlieb, general sales manager of the Henry Katz, Inc., international sales representatives for toy manufacturers, has been associated with the toy field since graduation from college. After serving as assistant to the sales manager of the Lionel Corp., he joined his father's firm, Schranz & Bieber Co., and established an export sales department.

After World War II, in which he served as weather service instructor, he rejoined Schranz & Bieber as director of sales until 1957, when he assumed his present position with the Katz organization.

Mr. Gottlieb has a bachelor's degree from Amherst College and a master's degree in foreign trade from New York University.

The Toy Guidance Council is an independent business organization which passes on and recommends to the public toys it believes to be of the greatest value in regards to safety, durability and educational merit.

Jeffrey A. Gottlieb Memorial Award - 1977

Dr. Jeffrey A. Gottlieb was an affectionate and sympathetic man. His patients, friends and family were touched by his tenderness. His students and colleagues were inspired by his zest for scientific achievement.

Dr. Gottlieb was an international leader in the field of chemotherapy. After joining M.D. Anderson in 1970, he developed the clinical use of two important anti-tumor drugs, adriamycin and bleomycin. By incorporating these drugs with conventional drugs, Dr. Gottlieb developed combination chemotherapy regimens that provide effective treatment, especially for bone and soft tissue sarcomas. These treatments, used throughout the world, also are prescribed for cancers of the breast, head and neck, thyroid, malignant melanomas and other malignancies.

Dr. Gottlieb determined adriamycin's toxic effects on the heart and designed a scheme of therapy which could prevent this toxicity. His studies of other chemotherapeutic agents significantly contributed to the world's knowledge about this specialty while improving the efficiency of drug trials.

In a period of five years, Dr. Gottlieb authored or co-authored 77 publications; he was working on 15 others at his death. He prepared 49 abstracts for medical societies throughout the world and delivered 34 papers to scientific gatherings.

While exerting these prodigious clinical research efforts, Dr. Gottlieb was fighting his own battle against systemic cancer. His indomitable spirit to the last hour of his life was an inspiration to his colleagues.

Dr. Gottlieb was Chief of the Chemotherapy Service, Department of Developmental Therapeutics, and Associate Professor of Medicine at M.D. Anderson. He also served as the Executive Secretary for the Southwest Oncology Group, as a member of advisory committees for the National Large Bowel Cancer Project, the National Mycosis Fungoides Cooperative Study Group and many other associations and scientific societies. He was listed in Who's Who in Texas and Who's Who in the Southwest.

His loving wife, Margery, and two children, Elizabeth Anne and Keith Andrew, have said that "this award involves the entire family because M.D. Anderson means so much to us, as it did to Dr. Gottlieb."

October 25, 2011

Cancer Chemotherapy Reports - Oct 1975

Jeffrey A. Gottlieb, MD, died on July 1, 1975, at the age of 35. At the time of his death he was Head of the Section of Chemotherapy in the Department of Developmental Therapeutics, The University of Texas System Cancer Center, M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, and Executive Secretary, Southwest Oncology Group. He received his training in medical oncology as a Clinical Associate at the National Cancer Institute, Baltimore Cancer Research Center, and as an Advanced Senior Fellow in the Department of Developmental Therapeutics at M.D. Anderson.

During his own long and quietly courageous battle with the disease he worked so intensively to conquer, his contributions to the field of cancer research were innumerable. It is fitting that this issue of Cancer Chemotherapy Reports which summarizes the current status of adriamycin therapy be dedicated to his memory since he, probably more than any other individual, deserves credit for the rapid advancement of this drug from its early clinical trial to its current status in the forefront of cancer chemotherapy. Not only did he recognize the tremendous therapeutic potential of what only a few years ago was a new drug, a fact which led to its widespread use at M.D. Anderson and in the Southwest Oncology Group, but more importantly he recognized its therapeutic limitations. While many of us were pleased to have a drug which was effective in patients with otherwise refractory malignant disease such as adult sarcomas, Dr. Gottlieb was not satisfied and strove for still better results with adriamycin combinations, the achievement of which is well documented elsewhere in this issue. This is but one small example of his continued search for improved treatment of patients afflicted with cancer; for Jeffrey A. Gottlieb, superb administrator, eminent physician, and scientist, was above all a great human being whose consideration for the problems of his patients, friends, and colleagues always took precedent over the obvious problem of his own illness. Few people have lived so full a life in so few years.

He is survived by his wife, Marjorie [sic] (Midge) and his two children, Elizabeth and Keith, his parents, and a sister. The Jeffrey A. Gottlieb Memorial Fund has been established at the University of Texas System Cancer Center.

Robert S. Benjamin, MD
Robert B. Livingston, MD
Emil J Freireich, MD

October 23, 2011

Letter to Oncology News - July 22, 1975

Dear Mr. Silber:

Enclosed is an edited and slightly shortened version of the material forwarded to you by Mrs. Jane Brandenberger's office last week. Dr. Emil J. Freireich and I discussed the material to be sent to you for ONCOLOGY NEWS and agreed that this is an appropriate statement for your publication.

Thank you for the opportunity to include this obituary notice in ONCOLOGY NEWS. Doctor Gottlieb was highly respected as a scientist/physician and as a concerned and friendly person at M.D. Anderson Hospital. Many individuals here feel the loss of this young man very keenly.

For your interest and possibly inclusion in the obituary notice, (left entirely to your discretion) a Jeffrey A. Gottlieb Memorial Fund has been established here at the hospital. Doctor Gottlieb was a superb teacher of undergraduates, postgraduate fellows, residents, and interns, and made major contributions to the continuing education efforts here at Anderson Hospital. The Gottlieb Memorial Fund will establish an annual lectureship in Doctor Gottlieb's memory. Numerous co-workers at every level in the Anderson Hospital have already contributed to this fund.

Sincerely yours,

R. Lee Clark, M.D. (President at M.D. Anderson)

Memorial Service

Jeffrey Arnold Gottlieb (1940 - 1975) - Memorial Presbyterian Church, July 7, 1975

When each of us is born we are given by God a small plot of land to cultivate. Many of us abuse t his land and use it as if it were a place on which to picnic and leave our trash as we pass through. Others cultivate their land and leave it as a contribution to society in a more beautiful shape than we found it.
-Thomas Mann

Eulogy - Emil J. Freireich, M.D.

Interlude - "Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen" - Brahms - Houston Symphony Chorale

Tributes - Emil Frei, III, M.D. and Robert Livingston, M.D.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here and whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Finale - "Ach Herr, lass dein lieb Engelein" - Bach, Houston Symphony Chorale

Houston Post - July 3, 1975, Page 3A

Cancer Pioneer's services planned

A memorial service for Dr. Jeffrey A. Gottlieb, chief of chemotherapy at the University of Texas System Cancer Center's M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute will be at 4 p.m. Sunday at Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church.

Gottlieb, 35, died Tuesday after a long struggle with one for of the malignant diseases he worked so hard to conquer.

Since joining the Anderson staff in 1970, Gottlieb had pioneered the use of two new anti-cancer drugs, adriamycin and bleomycin, and had devised better treatments employing the best effects of multiple chemotherapeutic agents for human patients.

Anderson President Dr. R. Lee Clark praised Gottlieb as "a young giant in the field of cancer therapy" and said his innovative drug regimens are being used throughout the world.

Gottlieb was particularly successful in designing combination chemotherapy programs for victims of soft tissue sarcomas and cancers of the thyroid, breast, head and neck and malignant melanoma.

A major accomplishment was his defining the precise dosage of adriamycin to limit its toxic side effects on the heart. He also was a widely respected authority on studying drug action mechanisms of tumor cells grown in cell cultures.

Gottlieb, born in New York City, graduated with honors from Amherst College, then earned his medical degree in 1966 from Harvard Medical School.

After interning in St. Louis and completing a pediatric residency at Children's Hospital in Boston, he spent two years at the Baltimore Cancer Research Center of the National Cancer Institute before moving to Houston.

Gottlieb was an associate professor of medicine in the Anderson Department of Development Therapeutics and executive secretary of the Southwest Oncology Group. He had authored or helped write more than 75 major medical articles on various facets of his basic and clinical research.

"Jeffrey Gottlieb was a most brilliant physician, scientist and administrator. His death is a grave blow to cancer patients around the world," said Dr. Emil J. Freireich, head of the Anderson Department of Developmental Therapeutics.

Gottlieb, who lived at 5231 Lymbar, is survived by his wife, Margery, and two children, Elizabeth Anne and Keith Andrew. The body will be cremated.

Personal Letter - July 6, 1975

Dear Midge (Jeff's wife, my mother),

I was devoted to your husband four years.

His very own private adm. asst.

In stupidity I did not save any tapes that I transcribed. In the last few months he called me everyday to dictate by phone as I typed his words. Any letters he wrote in that marvelous mind are yours. I will find them all and xerox them for you.

You see, Midge, I love you as Jeff's mate.

He has an office in the center pavilion. He couldn't get there to see his private window. There is a sign on the door that reads Jeffrey A. Gottlieb, M.D., under that sign is another that reads Edmund A. Gehan, Ph.D. That's the way Dr. Gehan wanted it.

Those signs should stay there forever. One day when you are able, come see Jeff's private office. The pavilion has stood approximately 18 years. It will stand forever now for Dr. Gottlieb. - Dorothy Abernathy, 6:45 AM

7:10 I had another thought quick get it down. A Ph.D. who writes about mosquitos (I know that's important) occupies a larger office that is decorated with his beautiful property. That should belong to Dr. Gottlieb. We will decorate that with Dr. Gottlieb's property. I have some things for it too. Your wish is my command.

Dr. Freireich told me there will be a chair in Jeff's Name. It is Dr. Freireich's decision and yours where office for your husband will be. It should be at MDA of course.

Dear Jay,
As always you are right the first time. Just tell me where Dr. Gottlieb's office will be so I can donate to it.

Personal Letter - Richard W. Wolk, MD

Dear J (Jay Freireich),

Knowing that the greatest docs were caring for him, gave me some comfort when I heard that Jeff had died. I am aware of the tremendous personal and professional loss that this represents to you and the department, and yet I am awed by how Jeff enriched the lives of people with whom he interacted. Jeff left a generous estate for us all. To the extent that we are inspired by that estate, Jeff's spirit will live.

Midge told about the Memorial service that you have planned for Sunday. I can't be there physically, but I won't be thinking of much else that day.

Department of Pathology

Dr. Gottlieb, a cancer patient himself, was attended by Dr. Robert Livingston and Dr. Emil Freireich. He was admitted to the hospital as a patient on June 28, 1975 and succumbed to the disease he had worked so hard to conquer on July 1, 1975 at 7:52 AM. Ultimately, bronchopneumonia, caused by a Flavobacterium, would claim his life, though clearly the metastatic cancer was the culprit.

A note from myself, I decided not to follow my father into the cancer field, although I did my earliest research at M.D. Anderson working in the field of leukemia. After my Ph.D. in biological sciences, I briefly worked in the area of cancer therapeutics, including working on new diagnostics and biomarkers for breast cancer, among others. My interests, though, lay in virology. I had studied polyomavirus in my Ph.D. and, interesting enough was on a Cancer Training Grant from NIH, for polyomavirus is considered one of the classic tumor viruses. Today, as many as 40% of cancers are considered to arise from viruses. I switched my focus to vaccines and have worked for the past 7 years to bring new vaccines through clinical trials, including smallpox, influenza, adenovirus, dengue virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, and many others. I find it fitting that today, my father's career and my career have converged with the rise of cancer vaccines.

MD Anderson Messenger - Aug-Sept 1975

In Memorium - Dr. Jeffrey A. Gottlieb

Dr. Jeffrey A. Gottlieb, chief of Chemotherapy Service at Anderson died July 1, of cancer.

At age 35, Dr. Gottlieb had established himself as an international leader in the field of chemotherapy. After joining M.D. Anderson in 1970, he pioneered the use of two important antitumor drugs, adriamycin and bleomycin, in the treatment of cancer patients.

Dr. Gottlieb was a master at combining chemicals so as to take advantage of their different actions, molding them into treatments more effective than any of the drugs used alone. He contributed significantly to the technique of clinical testing of the drugs, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of such drug trials. Treatments developed by Dr. Gottlieb are widely used throughout the world.

"That we should lose him is nothing short of tragic," says Dr. Emil Freireich, head of the Department of Development Therapeutics, under whom Dr. Gottlieb worked. 'Every day we can cure more and more people of cancer. But there is always that small percentage for whom it seems nothing we cna do really helps. The day we can stop every single case, that is the day we are working for. It is the goal towards which Dr. Gottlieb was working."

Dr. Gottlieb serviced Anderson in many ways other than those in his capacities as Chief of Chemotherapy Service, Associate Professor of Medicine and Associate Internist. His administrative activities included serving as Chairman of the Investigational Drug Committee and as a member of the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee of the Executive Committee of the Medical Staff. He devised an excellent procedure for the introduction and safe administration of new drugs to patients. He was a member of Anderon's Education Committee and served on the Program Committee for 1973 for the Medical Oncology Course, on 1974 Clinical Conference Program Committee, and on the 1976 Symposium Topics Subcommittee.

He gave Anderson and the people who worked with him his quiet leadership and warm interest. It is for these qualities, added to his remarkable accomplishments, that he will be remembered through the Jeffrey A. Gottlieb Memorial Fund to establish an annual lectureship. Those wishing to contribute may do so at E.R. Gilley's office, room 116.

Harris County Medical Society - July 16, 1975

Dear Mrs. Gottlieb:

The recent loss of you, your family and friends sustained is shared by all members of the Harris County Medical Society. We were deeply saddened to learn of Doctor Gottlieb's passing.

We would like for you know that your husband's colleagues stand ready to be of help to you in this time of grief and sorrow. We are aware that the next few weeks will be most trying for you but we wish to inform you that a committee comprised of past presidents of this Medical Society is available for counseling with you should you need assistance with the myriad details concerning the business side of the doctor's practice. If you need this service, when it is convenient for you, please contact Mrs. Dean Little in the Medical Society office and she will be happy to arrange a meeting of the Heir committee to meet with you and discuss how it may be of help.

The physicians of Harris County Medical Society are selecting a volume to be placed as a permanent memorial to Doctor Gottlieb in the Houston Academy of Medicine Library for the Texas Medical Center. This book will carry a designation on the inside front of its cover to the memory of your husband.

Again, we wish to express our sympathy in your loss. We share this moment of grief and sadness with you and offer our sincerest condolences.

William M. Sherrill, M.D. (President)

October 19, 2011

Amherst - Fall 1975

I was scarcely able to hear and couldn't at all understand the person at the other end of the line, and shouted into the telephone that she had better try to replace the call. When she did a minute later the connection was clear, and I learned from Jeff Gottlieb's sister that Jeff had died of cancer a short time before.

It was a numbing message. So often the bereaved relative must soothe others in their shock at hearing of the death of a friend, and so it was with Sybil, as I babbled mindlessly that this was terrible news.

Two days later I flew to Houston to attend a large memorial service held for Jeff by his colleagues at the M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute of the Texas Medical Center. By then I knew that Jeff had learned he had cancer seven years ago.

He and Midge moved to Baltimore that year, so that Jeff, who had completed his internship at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis and his residency in pediatrics at Children's Hospital in Boston, could become a Clinical Associate at the National Cancer Institute. In that fact appears his heroic courage and the ultimate tragedy. While he told no except Midge and his own physician of the sentence under which he was condemned to live, Jeff decided to give the rest of his life to fighting the disease by which he must finally be slain.

He proved a formidable contender. In seven years, Jeff acquired an international reputation in the field of cancer chemotherapy. He was responsible for introducing the drugs adriamycin and bleomycin into clinical practice, and also devised combination chemotherapy regimens for treatment of soft tissue sarcomas, incorporating those and conventional drugs. His studies leading to these and other developments in the fields of cancer management and drug research were published in scores of journal articles, chapters in medical treatises, abstracts, and papers. He was also a highly skilled and very popular physician.

Jeff's reputation at the M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, where he was Head of the Section of Chemotherapy in the Department of Developmental Therapeutics and also Associate Professor of Medicine and Associate Internist, was based on more than his scientific discoveries, however. He was admired for his deep personal concern for his patients, and for the diplomatic ability, also stemming from his concern for other people, by which he was able to make of the brilliant but often headstrong professional staff at the Institute an effective, coherent group.

I knew very little of what I have just written before flying to Houston for Jeff's memorial service. Jeff was not given to self-laudation, and anyway he had so many other interests to talk about.

He was very interested in drama. Jeff was a member of the Masquers at Amherst, and seriously considered becoming a professional actor. Although he chose medicine instead, Jeff kept his love of drama alive by acting with amateur groups, and by collecting and reading plays. I remember that on almost every occasion that I visited Jeff and Midge - occasions that were unfortunately infrequent since I was living outside the country - Jeff excitedly brought out several new books of plays that he had recently acquired.

His colleagues say that his love of drama, and his dramatic skill, were evident in his reading of papers before scientific meetings. Very few others were able to hold an audience in a state of excitement at such readings.

He also loved music. Jeff sang with the Choir and the Glee Club at Amherst, and in Houston he sang with the Houston Symphony Chorale. He had a rich baritone voice, which may in part have accounted for his ability to hold the attention of his medical colleagues. The Houston Symphony Chorale sang, sadly but beautifully, at the memorial service.

While I saw him act and heard him sing, Jeff was not for me any more an actor and a singer than he was a brilliant scientist, physician, and administrator. For me, he was a friend, a good friend since we met as freshmen at Amherst thirteen years ago.

He and Midge joined my wife and me on the first (and final) day of our honeymoon in western Massachusetts. Coming straight from the Amherst reunion of that year, they both wore straw reunion hats with purple and white bands. Looking on the honeymooners, Jeff greeted us by solemnly invoking, "May this be the most unhappy day of the rest of your lives."

It is ironic that what was most attractive about Jeff was that he was always cheerful. I remember with real pleasure a camping trip in the Shenandoahs that my wife and I took with Jeff and Midge and baby Elizabeth. The rest of us enjoyed it as much as we did largely because Jeff was having such a great time. It was only after his death that I realized our camping trip took place only a short time after Jeff learned of his cancer. His limp had begun then, and I asked him about it, but he shrugged it off as being too insignificant for concern.

Jeff must have been very busy, far busier than I ever realized, since he had so much he wanted to do in the little time he had. Yet he was never too busy to be gracious and thoughtful of others, ourselves included.

When my wife and I adopted a Korean orphan, Jeff took a great interest in her. Once, when he and Midge were at an art show, they saw a watercolor illustration of lines from the poem Desiderata, by Max Ehrman. Jeff said that the lines were perfect for our baby, and he and Midge bought the painting and sent it to us. The lines, which I now think may have had greater significance for Jeff than he admitted, were printed on the program for his memorial service.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Thomas E. Woodhouse '62

Harvard Medical Alumni Bulletin - November/December 1975

When Dr. Dontsova of Solzhenitsyn's The Cancer Ward complained to Dr. Oreschchenkov, "It seems unfair that I, an oncologist, should be stricken by an oncologist ailment, when I know every one of them, when I imagine all the attendant effects, the consequences, and the complications," the old man replied, "'There's no injustice here....This is the surest test of a doctor: to suffer an illness in his own specialty.' (...He reasoned thus because he had not been ill himself)."

On July 1, 1975, Jeff Gottlieb, oncologist par excellence, died after a seven year struggle against cancer. Jeff Gottlieb, HMS '66: captain of his high school football team, Eagle Scout, Order of the Arrow, Amherst College Phi Beta Kappa magna cum laude, singer and actor of exceptional gifts. Energetic, dynamic, vital, his indefatigable productivity is only faintly reflected by the six scholarly papers submitted for publication during the last thirty days of his life. Nothing was more dramatic than his long battle with malignancy. After his Barnes medical internship and Children's Hospital Medical Center pediatric residency, Jeff went as a senior clinical associate to the National Cancer Institute in 1968.

We knew him to be a superb actor, but never dreamed how good he had to be. For by 1968 he already had cancer. It was the year Elizabeth was born. The next seven years were the miracle of a man who knew how to get the most out of life. He continued to sing - with the Chorales of the Baltimore and Houston Symphonies, and to act - lead roles in O'Neil's Mourning Becomes Electra and Chekhov's The Three Sisters. Keith was born. Jeff and Midge brought a house in Houston. Teaching, research, administration, his own clinical ward of twenty-five patients. A widely respected authority on drug action mechanisms in tumor cell cultures, he pioneered the introduction of adriamycin and bleomycin into clinical practice and successfully designed combination chemotherapy programs for victims of sarcomas, melanomas, and cancers of the thyroid, breast, and head and neck. A major accomplishment was his definition of the precise dosage limits to avoid the cardiotoxic effects of adriamycin (a drug he himself was taking).

Member of fourteen national and international societies and of seven national committees for the study of cancer. Who's Who in Texas. Who's Who in the Southwest. Chief of the solid tumor service of the M.D. Anderson Hospital, Associate professor of medicine at the University of Texas Medical School, Jeff was described by Anderson President Dr. R. Lee Clark as "a young giant in the field of cancer therapy." His professor and chairman, Walter Kirkendall, had written of him: "Many nationally known oncologists...feel that Dr. Gottlieb is the best person in the field of solid tumor therapy in this country." He delivered thirty-seven papers at scientific meetings, the last, in May 1975, typically innovative ("Initial clinical evaluation of piperazindione, a new crystalline antibiotic," in San Diego). Of his ninety-two publications, eighty-nine came after the discovery of his primary malignancy. "His death," said his chief, Dr. Emil Freireich, "is a grave blow to cancer patients around the world."

It is impossible to believe his powerful, clear baritone voice is now still. With these bright memories, the void seems all the more unreal. Jeff's brave and beloved wife Margery, who alone shared the burden of knowledge with him for almost the entire illness, continues to live with their two children at 5231 Lymbar, Houston. Contributions may be sent to the Jeffrey A. Gottlieb Memorial Fund, c/o University of Texas System Cancer Center, M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, 6723 Bertner, Houston, Texas 77025.

For this man who loved to play Shakespearian summor stock, the Bard left a fitting tribute:
When he shall die
Take him and cut him out in little stars
And he will make the face of heaven
so fine
That all the world will be in love
with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.

Ned Cassem '66