I like to compare myself occasionally to an illustrated calendar wherein each month of the year is represented by a correlating scene. Like these variations in theme, my personality consists of a wide variety of characteristics. To elucidate, frequently I enjoy the companionship of people (fortunately, I have been able to make friends readily, having the capacity, it seems, of putting people at ease); on other occasions, I appreciate solitude, with no around except the world of nature. I have an energetic sense of organization, a real drive to plunge into work, and a perseverance to see things through to a gratifying conclusion. My desire to keep active leads me to many new projects as the old ones are completed, but varied as my interests are, I have yet maintained a few steady, favorite ones, such as natural science and scouting.
My numerous activities have afforded me a wide range of experiences and opportunities to meet and to understand many types of people. In scouting and in high school I became acquainted with boys from different backgrounds, and found I could adapt readily to their world. They, in turn, accepted me and were willing to trust and to confide in me. (This is a kind of trust I have always valued.) This summer, while traveling through Europe as a member of the Smith-Amherst Chamber Singers, I had the good fortune of meeting people from many nations, and from them I was able to gain insight into their way of life to attain a new perspective of the different worlds in which we live.
As a senior at Amherst, I look forward to writing my thesis in a branch of bio-chemistry, and I feel that my enthusiasm and interest in this field will make my project a rewarding one. I shall also be engaged in other activities - - advising freshmen as their dorm proctor, and working with the Glee Cub as its manager. However, these interests will not affect the quality of my thesis, for it is my nature to produce best results when busiest and under pressure.
In analyzing the many facets of my personality, I do recognize that occasionally I am reluctant to seek advice, preferring to work things out my own way. I suspect that this might be termed a liability.
To outline my purpose in pursuing a medical education, emphasis must be made on my keen interest in science throughout all my high school and college years. While my pursuits include music, drama, and sports, my enthusiasm for the world of science is by far the greatest. This has led me to serve in the capacity of laboratory instructor at college for the past two years and to elect to write a thesis on bio-chemistry. I am confident I would be happiest in the field of medicine as a career, and my numerous relatives and friends who are physicians have encouraged me in this decision. While I am concerned with the theoretical aspects of science, I am also interested in the practical. I, therefore, hope to become a practicing physician, ultimately specializing in a particular branch of medicine.
Lodge Chief, Vigil Member - Order of the Arrow, BSA
Dormitory Proctor; Freshman Lacrosse team
Gilbert and 2nd Kellogg Speaking Prizes
Manager of Glee Club, Monitor of Choir
Member of Smith-Amherst Chamber Singers
Amherst College Masquers - lead parts
Fraternity V. Pres & Rushing Chairman
Member - Student Comm. to the Faculty
Program Director (three years) and Assistant Camp Director - Camp Waubeeka, B.S.A
Laboratory Instructorship in Advanced Sophomore Chemistry, Quantitative Analysis and Virology - Amherst College
Member and Monitor of Amherst College Chapel Choir
Laboratory Assistantship in Chemistry 25, Chemistry 26 & Biology 71
Dr. Jeffrey A. Gottlieb lost his personal war with cancer at the age of 35, but not before arming others with weapons to combat cancer. A brilliant physician, scientist and administrator, Dr. Gottlieb is remembered as a giant in the field of cancer therapy whose work even now provides hope for cancer patients around the world. He was also my father and this page is dedicated to the man, his work, and the award in his memory.
November 23, 2011
A.B. Davis Graduation - 1958
Photo Caption:
Commencement speakers at the 81st graduation of Davis High School last night pose with Dr. Jordan L. Larson, superintendent of schools, and Dr. Howard G. Spalding, principal, before the ceremonies at Wood Auditorium. Jeffrey Gottlieb, left, highest ranking student in the class of 430, spoke on "Education for the Scientific Age - the Sciences." At right, Chichi Davis chose as her topic, "Education for the Scientific Age - The Humanities." - Schnoor Studio Photo.
Balance in Education
Davis Graduation Theme
Additional emphasis must be laid on the teaching of the sciences and the humanities, two student speakers of the 81st commencement exercises of Davis High School said last night.
The graduation, at which 430 seniors were awarded diplomas, took place in Wood Auditorium.
In a speech entitled "Education for the Scientific Age - The Sciences," Jeffrey Gottlieb, highest ranking student in the class, declared: "Education - particularly science education - in this country must be improved to meet the challenges of the missile age lest we fall behind in the technological race."
Chi chi Davis, the second speaker, warned that the humanities must hold equal rank with the sciences lest we have an "unbalanced society." Her speech was entitled "Education for the Scientific Age - The Humanities."
Dr. Howard G. Spalding, principal, awarded prizes and scholarships. He presented the class to Dr. Jordan L. Larson, superintendent of school, who in turn presented it to the president of the Board of Education, Sanford Solender.
Trustees Confer Diplomas
Mr. Solender and Carl C. Torisi, vice president of the board, conferred the diplomas.
Donald W. Hastings, class president, delivered the salutatory address.
The invocation was given by the Rev. Wilfried C.H. Tappert, minister of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, The Rev. John J. Coffey, pastor of St. Ursula's Church pronounced the benediction.
In his speech, Gottlieb said educators seemed agreed that the present U.S. educational system must be reappraised with one aim in view, "the stressing of science education."
In line with this, he offered a number of recommendations.
The youth recommended that the "productivity" of the American educational system be increased. Ways, he said, should be found "to give more and better education to more students without a direct corresponding increase in the size of our teaching force and school budgets."
Asks Use of TV
He suggested expanded use of educational television to supplement present classroom instruction. Television might take the most extensive facilities and the best teachers available to students in even the oldest and smallest of schools, he said.
He also recommended that the trend by which "soft courses" are replacing "solid basic courses such as mathematics and science" be stopped. Courses such as "life adjustment" are "fine - except when they detract from the more necessary fundamental subjects," he said.
Mr. Gottlieb further suggested that the prestige of the best mathematics and science students be increased to encourage more persons to enter these fields. "We must make them the social equals of the football and basketball stars," he said. And he praised the science fair held recently in White Plains, and sponsored jointly by the Westchester Country Publishers and New York University, as a step in this direction.
Educational standards must also be raised, he said, and students motivated toward mathematics and science in elementary school.
Educators Guide Future.
"There is still much hard work to be done as we encounter the many challenges of the missile age," he concluded. "And much of the responsibility for our future success or failure rests with our educators. The destiny of the United States is largely in their hands - to shatter or to shape."
In her speech, Miss Davis asserted, "We owe it to ourselves to raise scientific education to its zenith. We realize its importance but we must also realize that the humanities cannot be overlooked. In emphasizing the important of subjects as literature, art, music, language and history, she added:
"Students and educators alike have heard the outcry of scientists and rushed blindly ahead, taking any math or science courses open to them. If this one-sided education continues we will produce an over-specialized generation. The people will have less awareness of beauty and the finer things in life. We shall have a primarily materialistic society. Now we want a society in which the artists, musicians, authors and poets play an insignificant role? And yet if we continue our present plan we face the possibility.
'Rather than place the emphasis solely on scientific education, we must place more emphasis on education in general."
Education Begins at Home
Miss Davis said that a proper education in the humanities should begin in the home. A background in humanities will add to the personality and enjoyment of both those who end their education in high school and those who go on to college, she said.
"Now we have finally been awakened to the need for the sciences," she concluded, we must remain awake to the necessity for the humanities. We must avoid an unbalanced society. We must have one in which the sciences and the humanities hold equal and respected positions."
Both speakers were chosen earlier by the faculty in a competition among high ranking seniors.
A trombone solo, the "Largo" from Handel's Xerxes" was played by Perry Martin. The high school orchestra played the processional, the "Coronation March" by Meyerbeer, and the recessional, the "Rakocsy March" by Berlioz.
Commencement speakers at the 81st graduation of Davis High School last night pose with Dr. Jordan L. Larson, superintendent of schools, and Dr. Howard G. Spalding, principal, before the ceremonies at Wood Auditorium. Jeffrey Gottlieb, left, highest ranking student in the class of 430, spoke on "Education for the Scientific Age - the Sciences." At right, Chichi Davis chose as her topic, "Education for the Scientific Age - The Humanities." - Schnoor Studio Photo.
Balance in Education
Davis Graduation Theme
Additional emphasis must be laid on the teaching of the sciences and the humanities, two student speakers of the 81st commencement exercises of Davis High School said last night.
The graduation, at which 430 seniors were awarded diplomas, took place in Wood Auditorium.
In a speech entitled "Education for the Scientific Age - The Sciences," Jeffrey Gottlieb, highest ranking student in the class, declared: "Education - particularly science education - in this country must be improved to meet the challenges of the missile age lest we fall behind in the technological race."
Chi chi Davis, the second speaker, warned that the humanities must hold equal rank with the sciences lest we have an "unbalanced society." Her speech was entitled "Education for the Scientific Age - The Humanities."
Dr. Howard G. Spalding, principal, awarded prizes and scholarships. He presented the class to Dr. Jordan L. Larson, superintendent of school, who in turn presented it to the president of the Board of Education, Sanford Solender.
Trustees Confer Diplomas
Mr. Solender and Carl C. Torisi, vice president of the board, conferred the diplomas.
Donald W. Hastings, class president, delivered the salutatory address.
The invocation was given by the Rev. Wilfried C.H. Tappert, minister of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, The Rev. John J. Coffey, pastor of St. Ursula's Church pronounced the benediction.
In his speech, Gottlieb said educators seemed agreed that the present U.S. educational system must be reappraised with one aim in view, "the stressing of science education."
In line with this, he offered a number of recommendations.
The youth recommended that the "productivity" of the American educational system be increased. Ways, he said, should be found "to give more and better education to more students without a direct corresponding increase in the size of our teaching force and school budgets."
Asks Use of TV
He suggested expanded use of educational television to supplement present classroom instruction. Television might take the most extensive facilities and the best teachers available to students in even the oldest and smallest of schools, he said.
He also recommended that the trend by which "soft courses" are replacing "solid basic courses such as mathematics and science" be stopped. Courses such as "life adjustment" are "fine - except when they detract from the more necessary fundamental subjects," he said.
Mr. Gottlieb further suggested that the prestige of the best mathematics and science students be increased to encourage more persons to enter these fields. "We must make them the social equals of the football and basketball stars," he said. And he praised the science fair held recently in White Plains, and sponsored jointly by the Westchester Country Publishers and New York University, as a step in this direction.
Educational standards must also be raised, he said, and students motivated toward mathematics and science in elementary school.
Educators Guide Future.
"There is still much hard work to be done as we encounter the many challenges of the missile age," he concluded. "And much of the responsibility for our future success or failure rests with our educators. The destiny of the United States is largely in their hands - to shatter or to shape."
In her speech, Miss Davis asserted, "We owe it to ourselves to raise scientific education to its zenith. We realize its importance but we must also realize that the humanities cannot be overlooked. In emphasizing the important of subjects as literature, art, music, language and history, she added:
"Students and educators alike have heard the outcry of scientists and rushed blindly ahead, taking any math or science courses open to them. If this one-sided education continues we will produce an over-specialized generation. The people will have less awareness of beauty and the finer things in life. We shall have a primarily materialistic society. Now we want a society in which the artists, musicians, authors and poets play an insignificant role? And yet if we continue our present plan we face the possibility.
'Rather than place the emphasis solely on scientific education, we must place more emphasis on education in general."
Education Begins at Home
Miss Davis said that a proper education in the humanities should begin in the home. A background in humanities will add to the personality and enjoyment of both those who end their education in high school and those who go on to college, she said.
"Now we have finally been awakened to the need for the sciences," she concluded, we must remain awake to the necessity for the humanities. We must avoid an unbalanced society. We must have one in which the sciences and the humanities hold equal and respected positions."
Both speakers were chosen earlier by the faculty in a competition among high ranking seniors.
A trombone solo, the "Largo" from Handel's Xerxes" was played by Perry Martin. The high school orchestra played the processional, the "Coronation March" by Meyerbeer, and the recessional, the "Rakocsy March" by Berlioz.
November 12, 2011
November 3, 1953 - Traphagen School
This is a letter my father wrote to his father (age 13).
Dear Pop,
As I have already told you today is visiting day. You will see me doing just what I do every day at school.
I have been telling my marks in all my subjects when I get them. I hope you see I am doing rather well. I like science the best of all my subjects. Here we learn many interesting facts about things we knew little about before. Even though I consider math my best subject I get bored often. I guess it is because it is mostly review work. This year in social studies I am getting very good marks which surprisingly enough was my worst subject last year. I hope you can see by this letter how I am doing in English.
We in the eighth grade are now the big cheeses of the school. No more getting bossed around or the like. It's quite a job to get used to the name Traphagen but we are doing it.
Our class has a great deal of class spirit. In the recent Red Cross Drive, our class was the first eighth grade with 100% membership. We collected over thirteen dollars and had an average of almost fifty cents a person. Our class is also trying to cooperate with its officers and is doing quite well.
When you come this afternoon you will see our class in action. I hope you will enjoy yourself even if it does remind you of days gone by.
Your son,
Dear Pop,
As I have already told you today is visiting day. You will see me doing just what I do every day at school.
I have been telling my marks in all my subjects when I get them. I hope you see I am doing rather well. I like science the best of all my subjects. Here we learn many interesting facts about things we knew little about before. Even though I consider math my best subject I get bored often. I guess it is because it is mostly review work. This year in social studies I am getting very good marks which surprisingly enough was my worst subject last year. I hope you can see by this letter how I am doing in English.
We in the eighth grade are now the big cheeses of the school. No more getting bossed around or the like. It's quite a job to get used to the name Traphagen but we are doing it.
Our class has a great deal of class spirit. In the recent Red Cross Drive, our class was the first eighth grade with 100% membership. We collected over thirteen dollars and had an average of almost fifty cents a person. Our class is also trying to cooperate with its officers and is doing quite well.
When you come this afternoon you will see our class in action. I hope you will enjoy yourself even if it does remind you of days gone by.
Your son,
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