October 29, 2011

David G. Nathan, MD - July 3, 1975

What can I possibly say to you but to tell you how much I admired and valued your husband. I felt I played a role in his development and I grew prouder of him every year.

I wanted him here so much and was only convinced to stop my pressure by the view expressed by many that important benefits such as insurance, etc. might be lost in the move. So I stopped my attempts and I suppose my advisors were right. But I so wanted him to return here in Pediatrics to perform just as I knew he could.

Midge it is so terrible to lose such a fine person. I hope you can find some solace in the realization that he was loved and admired by his colleagues and his teachers. The textbook chapter will be my fond memory of him. I'm so glad he saw it.

Sincerely yours,
David G. Nathan, MD
Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medial School, Children's Hospital Medical Center

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